I know that it is not really news, but I’m going to talk about the election anyways. I am going to try to stay away from anything real opinion related, but I do not know how good I will be at that. I will be attempting to avoiding any sort of rise in anyone because I know this can be a highly arguable subject.
These ads are just horrible. Just horrible. I mean, all I hear is that this guy is bad for this reason, and that guy is bad for that reason. It all to seems to be just one big blur for me. All candidates are bad for every reason. They seem to be bashing each other for the same things that they are doing them selves. “This person voted for this” well, you kinda did too according to these adds. I could be wrong, but that seems to be the case to me.
I wish they would give it to me straight:
•This is what opponents is doing
•This is why it is bad
•And this is what I will do to fix it.
Instead of:
•Do not vote for this person because this is what he/she has done.
Why should I vote for you then? I only have one vote, I’m going to make it count.
With a normal commercial, you never see, “do not buy this product because of this breaking, or not working, and instead buy me” and then they never say why they are good. They always say this product is bad, and mine is better for this reason because of Reason A and Reason B. I want to know what good you have done instead of what bad others have done.
I talked to a few of my friends about going out and voting, and we got onto the topic of not even voting at all. They suggested that if they vote while not knowing anything about any candidates, then they are just screwing up the voting results. With all the resources out there, a large one being the internet, not knowing anythign about the candidates is not a reason to no vote.